Foci: Poetry Terminology and Graduation SpeechNotes:
*Students will be taking the MAP Test in Language Usage all periods on Tuesday, May 20
*Homework Help Tuesday after school
*Enrichment Credit Finalization on Monday -- all enrichment credit is due June 2nd
*NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, MAY 26 for Memorial Day
*Talent Show is May 20 from 12:30-2:30
Weekly Homework:
Speech Outline is due on FridayBring photos, music, videos from home on flash drives for your Powerpoint
Students are compiling their graduation speeches this week, which will be given next week. They have found a quotation or anecdote to frame their speech around, and will be completing a structured outline, a written draft, and a Powerpoint Presentation. Students can bring tangible photos and data on flash drives to scan into their PPTs. The goal is to push Powerpoint skills by attempting more complex approaches such as layering slides, animation, graphics, including video clips, sound background, photo collages, etc. There is a lot of room for creativity here!!! Speeches should be about five minutes long. Please help your student practice for this!!!
MONDAY:Powerpoint Making for Graduation Speech
Begin outlining speech
Peer Edit
Teacher conferencing on speeches
One more day after this to finish peer editing and finalizing on Tuesday. Speeches will be given next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.