Monday, April 21, 2008


WELCOME BACK!!! Hope everyone had an excellent vacation!!!

*Homework Help Tuesday after school
*Get binders ready for Poetry/Speech Unit
*April is National Poetry Month!!!
*R.A.P. Sign-up Deadline is April 27. Visit Teton County Library or call 733-2164 ext. 103
*Post PAWS Pizza Party - May 7 (1st and 4th) & 8 (5th and 6th). Students need to bring contributions to party organizers.

Weekly Homework: WNB 21 (See below)

Unit Focus Skills:

➢ Creating imagery
➢ Using literary techniques
➢ Poetry terminology
➢ Classification of Poems
➢ Dueling and debate
➢ Annotating Poetry
➢ Targeting an audience
➢ Memorizing and reciting
➢ Analyzing poetry
➢ Speaking and listening for different purposes
➢ Instructing an audience

***Enrichment credit options: These serve as your 4th quarter extra credit options and can be completed at any point before June 2nd.***

1)Participate in R.A.P. Sign up deadline is April 27. Visit Teton County Library for details. (30 points)

2)Post your magnetic poem on our blog (15 points)

3)Post comments (5 THOUGHTFUL, INTERESTING RESPONSES required) to the magnetic poems posted on our blog. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND POST IN THE CORRECT PLACE FOR CREDIT. (15 points)

4)Read Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes and attend a roundtable discussion (time T.B.A.) (30 points)

5)Close poet study. Read and annotate ten poems by the same author. Write two pages of overview on poet’s life and work. Attend guidance sessions (twice during lunch). (30 points)

6)Find one revolutionary, contemporary poet. Perform two of his/ her poems for the class and give a short overview of her/his life and works. (30 points)

7)Podcast your graduation speech and drop it into Open Access Folder: Flammang JHMS Graduation Speeches (15 points)

Essential Questions

➢ What is poetry?
➢ How is poetry a form of communication?
➢ Why does poetry survive?

April 21
Web Graffiti: React to the book you read over spring break – write the title, author, and describe the mood, tone, and theme

Discussion of graffiti we wrote

WNB 21: Answer the questions below about your novel.

For homework: Then create a well-crafted 2-3 paragraph summary of your novel incorporating these answers.

1) Describe the protagonist of your book. What did she/he want? Did he/she get it? Was there an antagonist?

2) What was the main conflict of your book. How did the climax and resolution of your novel deal with it?

3) Why did the author write this book? What kind of audience was he/she targeting? What was the main theme of the piece?

4) Would you recommend this novel to someone else? Why or why not? If so, for what type of audience/individual would it be most appropriate?

*Return papers
*Announce RAP POETRY SIGN-UP (remind as one of 4th quarter e.c. options)
*plan P4: Post-PAWS-Pizza-Party – MAY 7 and 8. Delegate students to collect money and set up order and ambiance.
*Weekly HW: WNB 21
*4th and 6th: Finish Poster Project Presentations


Anonymous said...

I race her in the rodeo, rope and ride
She is a barrel horse, a beautiful chestnut mare
We full trot bareback to the arena, then run across
Always wild, fast & gentle
Her mane and tail flying
My girl has a white blaze and a buck
So beautiful, loving, magestic, graceful, and willing

Anonymous said...

When Will you Put Andrew's performance up????

Anonymous said...

ya when is andrews thing going to be on?